Because the auto-naming policies are stored for each Windows NT domain user that opens the Administrator program on a given system, it can be difficult to maintain an enterprise standard for these settings. These difficulties increase if you change these policies from the default values. To ensure that the enterprise standards are maintained when generating display names and aliases, you can modify the registry by using Windows NT logon scripts or by importing a registry import (.reg) file that contains these settings.
To create a registry import file, copy the following text to a notepad (text) document, and then rename the file to Exadmin.reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DNGAutotextFormat"="%First %Last"
DNGAutotextFormat refers to the generation of the display name of a user mailbox or custom recipient.
ANGAutotextFormat refers to the generation of the alias of a user mailbox or custom recipient.
You can implement the Exadmin.reg file by using logon scripts for Exchange Server administrators in the organization or by having administrators import the Exadmin.reg file manually.