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Quick Campaign E-mails are stuck in pending send status in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

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The Quick Campaign Emails get stuck in Pending State and are not sent

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The user is setup to use Office Outlook to send out emails when sending quick campaigns from Microsoft Dynamics CRM but the users on whose behalf the emails are being sent did not approve emails to be sent on their behalf.

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When emails are sent on behalf of another user and Outlook is used to send and receive emails, it prompts the user on behalf of the emails that are being sent to approve it. Once the user approves it, the emails are sent out successfully.  

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More Information

When sending emails out on other user’s behalf, a recommended method to do this is to configure CRM to use e-mail router instead of Outlook. When using the Email Router, the users on whose behalf the mails are being sent would not be prompted and the mails would go through successfully.
The Microsoft Dynamics Email Router Configuration Guide can be downloaded from the link below:

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Keywords: kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2579154
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 3/30/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 221