The first method demonstrates how to change the extensions in the root folder only, whereas the second method demonstrates how to change the extensions in both the root folder and subfolders.
Method 1: Root Folder Only
Create a macro that checks each file in the root folder of the web and changes the extension from .htm to .html.
- Start Microsoft FrontPage.
- Open the FrontPage web that you would like to edit.
- Start the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.
- In a module sheet, type the following code:
Sub change_ext()
'Set up variables.
Dim myfiles As Webfiles
Dim myfile As WebFile
Dim fname As String
'Set myfiles equal to the Files collection in the root folder of the
'active web.
Set myfiles = ActiveWeb.RootFolder.Files
'This for loop runs through all of the files in the myfiles
For Each myfile In myfiles
'Temporarily store the name of the file.
fname = myfile.Name
'Check to see if the extension is "htm".
If myfile.Extension = "htm" Then
'If the extension is "htm", use the Move method to change it to
'When the Move method is used, we can pass parameters to it so that
'links will be updated.
Call myfile.Move(Left(fname, Len(fname) - 3) & "html", True, True)
End If
End Sub
- Run the macro by pressing F5.
Method 2: Root Folder and Subfolders
Create a macro that checks each file in the root folder and subfolder of the web and changes the extension from .htm to .html.
- Start Microsoft FrontPage.
- Open the FrontPage web that you would like to edit.
- Start the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.
- On a module sheet, type the following code:
Sub change_ext(CurrentFolder As WebFolder)
'Set up variables.
Dim myfiles As WebFiles
Dim myfile As WebFile
Dim fname As String
Dim myfolder As WebFolder
Dim myfolders As WebFolders
'Set myfiles and myfolders equal to the Files collection in the root
'folder and subfolder (respectively) of the active web.
Set myfiles = CurrentFolder.Files
Set myfolders = CurrentFolder.Folders
'This loop runs through all of the files on the myfiles collection.
For Each myfile In myfiles
'Temporarily store the name of the file
fname = myfile.Name
'Check to see if the extension is "htm"
If myfile.Extension = "htm" Then
'If the extension is "htm", use the Move method to change it to
'When the Move method is used, we can pass parameters to it so
'that links will be updated.
Call myfile.Move(Left(fname, Len(fname) - 3) & "html", True, True)
End If
'If CurrentFolder has any subfolders then call the subprocedure to
'change the extensions of files within those subfolders.
'Recursion is used below to loop through all folders. This allows us to
'loop through every file in the web.
'Recursion means that the subprocedure calls itself within itself.
For Each myfolder In myfolders
change_ext myfolder
End Sub
Sub ChangeAllExtensions()
change_ext ActiveWeb.RootFolder
End Sub