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- Slovak (sk)
- Czech (cz)
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"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT";
"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT" + "VAT Difference (LCY)";
// Delete the following lines.
IF "VAT Amount (LCY)" <> 0 THEN
VALIDATE("VAT Amount","VAT Amount (LCY)");
// End of the lines.
IF SalesHeader."Prices Including VAT" THEN
IF ("VAT Calculation Type" = "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT") OR
"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT";
"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT" + "VAT Difference (LCY)";
// Add the following line.
VALIDATE("VAT Amount","VAT Amount (LCY)");
IF SalesHeader."Prices Including VAT" THEN
IF ("VAT Calculation Type" = "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT") OR
"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT";
// Delete the following lines.
IF "VAT Amount (LCY)" <> 0 THEN
VALIDATE("VAT Amount","VAT Amount (LCY)");
// End of the lines.
IF PurchHeader."Prices Including VAT" THEN
IF ("VAT Calculation Type" = "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT") OR
"Amount Including VAT (LCY)" := "Amount Including VAT";
// Add the following line.
VALIDATE("VAT Amount","VAT Amount (LCY)");
IF PurchHeader."Prices Including VAT" THEN
IF ("VAT Calculation Type" = "VAT Calculation Type"::"Normal VAT") OR
Keywords: kb, kbqfe, kbmbsquickpub, kbmbsmigrate, kbmbspartner, kbsurveynew, kbnoloc, kbmbscodefix