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How To Set DHTML Event Properties from C++

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This article describes how to set C++ event handlers on the DHTML event properties, such as put_onmousedown, from a WebBrowser control host, ActiveX control, or other C++ object.

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The Dynamic HTML object model allows script to assign functions directly to event handlers using event properties:
function mousedownhandler()
   // do stuff;

function afterPageLoads()
   someElement.onmousedown = mousedownhandler;
To duplicate this form of event handling from C++, implement a simple COM object for each function object that implements only the IUnknown and IDispatch interfaces. Pass a reference to this object inside a variant to the appropriate event property. When the event fires, the IDispatch::Invoke function will be executed with a DISPID of 0 to signal the event.

The following example header file implements a template class that can be used to easily create these "function objects" in C++.

// FunctionObject.h: interface for the CFunctionObject class.
// The user of this class is a C++ class (CYourClass) that must:
// 1. Implement a member function on CYourClass of the form:
// void MyEventCallback(DISPID id, VARIANT* pVarResult);
// This function will be called with the dispid set in
// CreateEventFunctionObject. One event handler function can service
// multiple event function objects.
// 2. When setting function object event handlers on MSHTML, use code of
// this form:
// _variant_t varFO =
//    CFunctionObject<CYourClass>::CreateEventFunctionObject(this,
//       MyEventCallback, DISPID_MOUSEDOWN);
// [HTML object interface]->put_onmousedown(varFO);
// This syntax requires VC++ COM compiler support for the _variant_t class. 
// Otherwise, pass into the put_mousedown (or other MSHTML event prop)
// a VARIANT containing the LPDISPATCH returned from
// CreateEventFunctionObject.
// 3. Set all MSHTML function object event handlers to NULL before the
// MSHTML document is destroyed:
//   VARIANT varNull; varNull.vt = VT_NULL;
//   [HTML object interface]->put_onmousedown(varNull);
// At minimum, do this in an event handler for the HTML window object's 
// "onbeforeunload" event or WebBrowser control BeforeNavigate2. The 
// function objects will be stranded in memory if this isn't done before
// the HTML document is unloaded.If you set the handlers to NULL in 
// BeforeNavigate2 then you should also account for the last case when 
// the application is being shutdown since BeforeNavigate2 will not be
// called at that time. 


template <class T> class CFunctionObject : public IDispatch  

   CFunctionObject() { m_cRef = 0; }
   ~CFunctionObject() {}

   HRESULT __stdcall QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
      *ppvObject = NULL;

      if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
         *ppvObject = reinterpret_cast<void **> (this);

      if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IDispatch))
         *ppvObject = reinterpret_cast<void **> (this);

      if (*ppvObject)
         return S_OK;
      else return E_NOINTERFACE;

   DWORD __stdcall AddRef()
      return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);

   DWORD __stdcall Release()
      if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0)
         delete this;
         return 0;
      return m_cRef;

   STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(unsigned int FAR* pctinfo)
   { return E_NOTIMPL; }
   STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(unsigned int iTInfo, LCID  lcid,
      ITypeInfo FAR* FAR*  ppTInfo)
   { return E_NOTIMPL; }
   STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames,
      unsigned int cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID FAR* rgDispId)
   { return S_OK; }
   STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid,
      WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, VARIANT* pVarResult,
      EXCEPINFO * pExcepInfo, UINT * puArgErr)
      if (DISPID_VALUE == dispIdMember)
         (m_pT->*m_pFunc)(m_id, pVarResult);
         TRACE(_T("CFO Invoke dispid = %d\n"), dispIdMember);
      return S_OK;

   static LPDISPATCH CreateEventFunctionObject(T* pT,
                        EVENTFUNCTIONCALLBACK pFunc, DISPID id)
      CFunctionObject<T>* pFO = new CFunctionObject<T>;
      pFO->m_pT = pT;
      pFO->m_pFunc = pFunc;
      pFO->m_id = id;
      return reinterpret_cast<LPDISPATCH> (pFO);

   T* m_pT;
   DISPID m_id;
   long m_cRef;

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Retired KB Content Disclaimer
This article was written about products for which Microsoft no longer offers support. Therefore, this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated.

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Keywords: KB253915, kbhowto, kbdhtml

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Article Info
Article ID : 253915
Revision : 3
Created on : 7/13/2004
Published on : 7/13/2004
Exists online : False
Views : 553