To grant access to the Accounts Payable user so they are able to send Payables remittances in an email, follow these steps to edit the security:
1. Click on
Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to
Tools, point to
Setup, point to
System and click on
Security Task.
2. Select the Task ID:
(Note: The tasks of TRX_PURCH_009, TRX_PURCH_014, or TRX_PURCH_015 would work as well.)
3. Select Product:
Microsoft Dynamics GP; Type:
Windows; Series:
4. Scroll down and mark the option for
Process Payables Remittance.
5. Click
6. Then select Product:
Microsoft Dynamics GP; Type:
Reports; Series:
7. Scroll down and mark the option for
PM Email Exception Report.
8. Click
9. Now review the current roles assigned to the user, and verify that this Security Task is granted access to one of the roles assigned to the AP user. Steps to do this are below:
- To see what roles are assigned to the user, click on Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System and click on User Security. Enter the User and Company and note what roles are currently assigned to them. An example role that you may want to use is AP CLERK*, but you can use any role you want.)
- To review the tasks assigned to the roles, click on Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System and click on Security Roles and bring up one of the roles assigned to the user (such as AP CLERK*). Scroll down and make sure the security task for TRX_PURCH_016* is marked to allow permissions for this role.