In Exchange 2000 or in Exchange 2003, the following default folders are created for each mailbox:
Sent Mail
Deleted Items
These folders are created by the information store the first time the client logs on. The information store creates these folders with localized names, depending on the client local language. After the folders have been created, you cannot change the display names.
For example, you create a mailbox on the Exchange 2000 server or on the Exchange 2003 server, and then you log on to the mailbox with an English language client. The default folder display names, such as Inbox, are created in English, and you cannot change them later to a different name in English with Microsoft Outlook. Nor can you change them to the equivalent name in another language by logging on with an Outlook client in another language.
For additional information, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XCLN: How to rename the Inbox in Outlook
XCLN: Internet Message Access Protocol Clients can rename, move, or delete some Outlook special folders