IF "Transaction Type" = "Transaction Type"::Purchase THEN BEGIN
// Delete the following lines.
//LineTaxAmount := IndianSalesTaxCalculate.CalculateTax(
// "Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code",TRUE,"Posting Date",
// "Tax Base Amount",Quantity,0,'');
// End of the deleted lines.
IF LineTaxAmount <> 0 THEN
IndianSalesTaxCalculate.GetVATOpeningInputTaxCredit(Rec,"Amount Loaded on Item",
"Input Credit/Output Tax Amount",TRUE,TaxAmount);
"Tax Amount" := TaxAmount;
IF GLSetup."VAT Rounding Precision" <> 0 THEN
"Tax Amount" := ROUND("Tax Amount",GLSetup."VAT Rounding Precision",Direction);
// Delete the following lines.
//IF "Tax Base Amount" <> 0 THEN
// "Tax %" := 100 * (("Tax Base Amount" + "Tax Amount") - "Tax Base Amount") / "Tax Base Amount"
// "Tax %" := 0;
// End of the deleted lines.
END ELSE IF "Transaction Type" = "Transaction Type"::Sale THEN BEGIN
IF ("Export or Deemed Export") THEN
// Delete the following lines.
//LineTaxAmount := IndianSalesTaxCalculate.CalculateTax(
// "Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code",TRUE,"Posting Date",
// "Tax Base Amount",Quantity,0,'');
// End of the deleted lines.
IF LineTaxAmount <> 0 THEN
"Tax Amount" := TaxAmount - StandardDeductionAmount;
// Delete the following lines.
//IF "Tax Base Amount" <> 0 THEN
// "Tax %" := 100 * (("Tax Base Amount" + "Tax Amount") - "Tax Base Amount") / "Tax Base Amount"
// "Tax %" := 0;
// End of the deleted lines.
"Input Credit/Output Tax Amount" := "Tax Amount";
"Amount Loaded on Item" := 0;
IF "Transaction Type" = "Transaction Type"::Purchase THEN BEGIN
// Add the following lines.
LineTaxAmount := IndianSalesTaxCalculate.CalculateTax(
"Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code",TRUE,"Posting Date",
"Tax Base Amount",Quantity,0,'',"Tax %");
// End of the added lines.
IF LineTaxAmount <> 0 THEN
IndianSalesTaxCalculate.GetVATOpeningInputTaxCredit(Rec,"Amount Loaded on Item",
"Input Credit/Output Tax Amount",TRUE,TaxAmount);
"Tax Amount" := TaxAmount;
IF GLSetup."VAT Rounding Precision" <> 0 THEN
"Tax Amount" := ROUND("Tax Amount",GLSetup."VAT Rounding Precision",Direction);
// Add the following lines.
IF "Tax Base Amount" = 0 THEN
"Tax %" := 0;
// End of the added lines.
END ELSE IF "Transaction Type" = "Transaction Type"::Sale THEN BEGIN
IF ("Export or Deemed Export") THEN
// Add the following lines.
LineTaxAmount := IndianSalesTaxCalculate.CalculateTax(
"Tax Area Code","Tax Group Code",TRUE,"Posting Date",
"Tax Base Amount",Quantity,0,'',"Tax %");
// End of the added lines.
IF LineTaxAmount <> 0 THEN
"Tax Amount" := TaxAmount - StandardDeductionAmount;
// Add the following lines.
IF "Tax Base Amount" = 0 THEN // Add
"Tax %" := 0; // Add
// End of the added lines.
"Input Credit/Output Tax Amount" := "Tax Amount";
"Amount Loaded on Item" := 0;