Consider the following scenario in Order Management in Microsoft Dynamics SL 7.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3):
System Message 6675 - "Inventory item % will go negative. Do you want to make changes? (Shipper will be placed on administrative hold if you choose no.)"
You expect to be able to select Confirm Shipping without receiving the System Message 6675 error message.
- You open a shipper in the Shipment Confirmation (40.117.00) screen.
- You select the correct confirmation step for the shipper from the Action drop-down box.
- You click Save, and then you click Finish.
- You open the shipper in the Shippers (40.110.00) screen.
- You click the Rlse/Confirm button.
- You select Confirm Shipping in the Release or Confirm Shipper (40.110.01) screen.
System Message 6675 - "Inventory item % will go negative. Do you want to make changes? (Shipper will be placed on administrative hold if you choose no.)"
You expect to be able to select Confirm Shipping without receiving the System Message 6675 error message.