When you send an e-mail message to a known Exchange Server address, you may receive a non-delivery report (NDR) similar to the following:
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:49:25 -0500
From: System Administrator<postmaster@testdomain.Microsoft.com>
To: user@testdomain2.microsoft.com
Subject: Undeliverable: test
Your message
To: testuser@microsoft.com
Subject: test
Sent: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:48:45 -0500
did not reach the following recipient(s):
testuser@microsoft.com on Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:49:22 -0500
The recipient name is ambiguous.
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a=
MSEXCH:IMS:Microsoft:testdomain:SERVER1 0 (000C0595) Ambiguous Recipient
You may also receive the following error message when you try to create a recipient by using the Exchange Server Administrator program:
This e-mail address already exists in this organization
Microsoft Exchange Administrator
ID no: c10312e7
If the message is SMTP based, an event ID 10000 similar to the following may also be logged in the application event log of a server that hosts an Internet Mail Service:
Event ID: 10000
Source: MSExchangeIMC
Type: Error
Category: Addressing
A message was not delivered because the following address was not unique: