When a network has more than 10 hosts, devices that specify only a detailed icon image in the Hello frame do not receive a QueryLargeTlv frame. This may cause such a device to be displayed as the default icon on the network map.
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This issue occurs because Windows does not query for detailed icon images when there are more than 10 hosts in the network. In this case, only standard icon images are queried. This limitation is set in Windows to increase response times when Windows creates network maps of large networks.
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To work around this issue, include both the detailed image icon and the standard image icon in the device, and then reply accordingly with the Hello frame. After you do this, Windows will use the standard icon image when there are more than 10 hosts on the network. When there are 10 or fewer hosts on the network, Windows will use the detailed image icon.
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Windows uses the Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) responder to display the network map. The network map shows a graphical view of the computers and devices on your network and of how they are connected by using the LLTD protocol.
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