When installing the MED-V 2.0 workspace on a Windows 7 machine, a fatal error occurs and in the MED-V install log and the following error is reported:
0810 Decompressing VHD to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Medv\Workspace\MEDV.vhd
0811 A generic exception occured while unpacking VHD
0812 System.IO.IOException: I/O error encountered in attempting to open file ---> Xceed.Compression.CompressionException: Expected end of stream not found
0813 at Xceed.Compression.ManagedDeflateDecompressor.Decompress(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Boolean& endOfData, Byte& decompressed, Int32& remaining)
0814 at Xceed.Compression.CompressedStream.Read(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0815 at Xceed.Utils.Streams.ChecksumStream.Read(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0816 at Xceed.Zip.ReaderWriter.ZipReader.ReadItemData(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0817 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.VhdUtil.Decompress(Session session, String compressedVhdPath, String vhdInstallationFilePath, Boolean overwriteExistingVhd)
0818 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
0819 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.VhdUtil.Decompress(Session session, String compressedVhdPath, String vhdInstallationFilePath, Boolean overwriteExistingVhd)
0820 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.CustomActions.InstallVhd(Session session)0821 CustomAction InstallVhdFile returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
0810 Decompressing VHD to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Medv\Workspace\MEDV.vhd
0811 A generic exception occured while unpacking VHD
0812 System.IO.IOException: I/O error encountered in attempting to open file ---> Xceed.Compression.CompressionException: Expected end of stream not found
0813 at Xceed.Compression.ManagedDeflateDecompressor.Decompress(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Boolean& endOfData, Byte& decompressed, Int32& remaining)
0814 at Xceed.Compression.CompressedStream.Read(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0815 at Xceed.Utils.Streams.ChecksumStream.Read(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0816 at Xceed.Zip.ReaderWriter.ZipReader.ReadItemData(Byte buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
0817 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.VhdUtil.Decompress(Session session, String compressedVhdPath, String vhdInstallationFilePath, Boolean overwriteExistingVhd)
0818 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
0819 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.VhdUtil.Decompress(Session session, String compressedVhdPath, String vhdInstallationFilePath, Boolean overwriteExistingVhd)
0820 at Microsoft.Medv.WorkspaceCustomActions.CustomActions.InstallVhd(Session session)0821 CustomAction InstallVhdFile returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)