To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := TempPaymentBuffer."Global Dimension 2 Code";
"Source Code" := GenJnlTemplate."Source Code";
"Reason Code" := GenJnlBatch."Reason Code";
"Applies-to Doc. Type" := TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor Ledg. Entry Doc. Type";
"Applies-to Doc. No." := TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor Ledg. Entry Doc. No.";
"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := TempPaymentBuffer."Global Dimension 2 Code";
"Source Code" := GenJnlTemplate."Source Code";
"Reason Code" := GenJnlBatch."Reason Code";
// Add the following lines.
IF "Bank Payment Type" = "Bank Payment Type"::"Electronic Payment" THEN
ElectPmtMgmt.GetTransferType("Account No.",TempPaymentBuffer.Amount,"Transfer Type",FALSE);
// End of the lines.
"Applies-to Doc. Type" := TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor Ledg. Entry Doc. Type";
"Applies-to Doc. No." := TempPaymentBuffer."Vendor Ledg. Entry Doc. No.";
"Applies-to Bill No." := VendLedgEntry3."Bill No.";
// Delete the following lines.
IF "Bank Payment Type" = "Bank Payment Type"::"Electronic Payment" THEN BEGIN
ElectPmtMgmt.GetTransferType("Account No.",Amount,"Transfer Type",FALSE);
// End of the lines.
GenJnlLineInserted := TRUE;
JnlLineDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Gen. Journal Line");
JnlLineDim.SETRANGE("Journal Template Name","Journal Template Name");
"Applies-to Bill No." := VendLedgEntry3."Bill No.";
GenJnlLineInserted := TRUE;
JnlLineDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Gen. Journal Line");
JnlLineDim.SETRANGE("Journal Template Name","Journal Template Name");