The Exchange Server message transfer agent (MTA) may stop while processing an incoming X.400 message. One of the following 9405 error messages may be logged in the Windows NT application event log:
Access violation (0xc0000005) at Address 0x4144dc reading from 0x3032376c. [BASE APPLICATION 28] (16)
Access violation (0xc0000005) at Address 0x77f7cc66 writing to 0x10. [BASE MAIN BASE 28] (16)
Access violation (0xc0000005) at Address 0x401eac reading from 0x30323766. [BASE SUBMIT 15] (16)
Access violation (0xc0000005) at Address 0x77f74767 writing to 0x3032376a. [BASE SUBMIT 15] (16)
Before the event 9405, an event 2245 may be logged:
ds_read failed with Problem DS_E_NO_SUCH_OBJECT.
Attribute: Directory Name:
[RD Server APPLICATION 27 114] (12)