Issue 2You publish a web application by using a webapp generic template that uses the
Portal Host Name type. If, during a response, the application sets a cookie with a domain attribute that has a character count longer than the trunk public host name, an Access Violation error is generated from the Secure Remote Access (SRA) file when SRA tries to sign the domain attribute of cookies. The result is that the filter abandons the process and sends error 500 to the endpoint.
Issue 3You cannot define a WinHTTP repository in Unified Access Gateway (UAG). The path that you type inside the
Path field is sometimes accepted. However, when you try to enable the UAG configuration, you receive one of the following error messages:
Error message 1The following operation failed: Allowing connection by URL "urlname" Error code [0x80004005]
Error message 2Failed to find port for service [urlname] [0x80004005]
Error message 3Firewall settings could not be configured.
Issue 4The silent removal of client components restarts the client computer without a warning message.
Issue 5Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCD) does not work if a back-end application does not support SPNEGO or is not configured to support SPNEGO. The HTTP log indicates that a "200 OK" response is returned immediately after UAG sends a Kerberos token. The application sends a "200 OK" response. However, UAG is expecting a negotiation token.
WorkaroundIn an optimal scenario, the back-end web server should return error 401 when it receives a GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED value to complete the negotiation. In this scenario, UAG should send a token back to the back-end web server to finish the authentication process. However, some back-end applications do not support or are not configured to support mutual Kerberos authentication (for example, no support for the Simple and Protected Negotiate [SPNEGO] implementation). For these applications, an additional Security Service Provider (SSP) may be used by setting the registry.
The following registry entry changes the SSP from
Negotiate to
Subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WhaleCom\eGap\von\UrlFilter
Entry: KCDUseKerberosSSN
Value: 1
Issue 6You cannot define a WinHTTP repository when the repository URL does not specify the port number explicitly.
To work around this issue, define the URL in the WinHTTP repository. For example, change
https://urlname to
Issue 7RemoteApps Single Sign-On (SSO) does not work when UAG component installation and activation is disabled.
Issue 8Authorization fails for users who have Unicode display names in Active Directory when LDAP signing is required. This problem occurs only if you have to have LDAP signing enabled on the domain controller.
Issue 9Client components do not provide a meaningful return code to indicate whether the installation succeeded or whether it failed and is pending a restart. The MSI package always returns 0 (zero) after the installation or removal of the client components, regardless of whether the installation or removal succeeded or failed.
Issue 10During the unattended removal of UAG client components, a dialog box appears on the user's screen. Because of the deployment method, this dialog box is displayed as a black box on the user’s desktop. However, the dialog box still reacts to user inputs, and the buttons in the dialog box can be clicked.
After you install this hotfix rollup, you have more control over whether there any progress dialog boxes are displayed during the installation, removal, or upgrade of the UAG client components.
Issue 11You download the OfflineInstaller.msi file from the UAG portal site. When you run the offline installation from a client computer, you receive the following error message:
This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
Issue 12This problem occurs on the Japanese Windows operating system. You copy any of the WhlClientSetup-*.msi files from the UAG server to the client computer. When you run the file, you receive the following error message:
The installation wizard does not start and no endpoint component is installed. But, on Event Viewer "Installation completed" log is recorded. There is no program in the Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.