To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
PROCEDURE UpdateForm@1(VAR VATStmtName@1000 : Record 257;NewSelection@1001 : 'Open,Closed,Open and Closed';NewPeriodSelection@1002 : 'Before and Within Period,Within Period';NewUseAmtsInAddCurr@1003 : Boolean);
VATStmtName.COPYFILTER("Date Filter","Date Filter");
Selection := NewSelection;
PeriodSelection := NewPeriodSelection;
PROCEDURE UpdateForm@1(VAR VATStmtName@1000 : Record 257;NewSelection@1001 : 'Open,Closed,Open and Closed';NewPeriodSelection@1002 : 'Before and Within Period,Within Period';NewUseAmtsInAddCurr@1003 : Boolean);
// Add the following lines.
SETRANGE("Statement Template Name",VATStmtName."Statement Template Name");
SETRANGE("Statement Name",VATStmtName.Name);
// End of the added lines.
VATStmtName.COPYFILTER("Date Filter","Date Filter");
Selection := NewSelection;
PeriodSelection := NewPeriodSelection;
You must have the Spanish version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed to apply this hotfix.