A component known as the Exchange Installable File System (ExIFS) is included with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and with Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server. The ExIFS runs as a hidden service on an Exchange server and allows file-level access to various items within a private or public information store. A manifestation of the ExIFS service is a drive that maps as M listed in Explorer on the Exchange server.
Because the ExIFS runs as a hidden service, it is not visible in the Services applet within the Administrative Tools program menu. However, you can still issue a
net stop or a
net start command to start or stop the ExIFS service. Stopping the ExIFS service does not cause the drive that maps to M to disappear.
When you stop the ExIFS service and then attempt to restart it, you receive the following error message:
System error 2 has occurred.
The system cannot find the file specified.