If you attempt to run Setup for Microsoft Exchange Server to uninstall Exchange Server on a computer that does not have access to a domain controller for the domain that the Exchange Server service account exists in, Setup stops working with an DS_E_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS message.
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When Setup runs, it attempts to start the Exchange Server services, some of which will not work without access to the service account. This may cause Setup to stop.
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Re-establish connectivity to a domain controller in the domain where the service account exists.
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If it is not possible to access a domain controller that can authenticate the service account, you can get Setup to run by following these steps:
- If any Exchange Server services are currently running, stop them.
- In Control Panel, double-click Services, and set the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service to Disabled.
- Run Setup.
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When Exchange Server is installed, a service account is specified in order to control access to the Exchange Server directory and give the Exchange Server services a security context to function in. It is expected and recommended that the server have permanent access to this account. If access to the service account is lost (either if it is deleted or if access to the domain is permanently lost), it may be necessary to re-install Exchange Server and create a new directory database.
This article can be useful in a situation where you need to uninstall Exchange Server on a member server that has been moved to a different domain. It is not intended for situations where you need to retain the data on the Exchange Server computer.
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