Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.
To use this code, use the copy and paste operation to copy the code into the Visual Basic Editor in FrontPage, and run the myProcedure macro.
Sub myProcedure()
'Set up a variable to hold the result of a message box
Dim myMsgBoxResults As VbMsgBoxResult
'Check to see if a web is open.
If ActiveWebWindow.Web Is Nothing Then
'If no web is open, display a message box.
MsgBox "Please open a web before running this macro.", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
'. . . and end the macro.
Exit Sub
End If
'In order for us to update the HTML in our files, there must be no
'pages open. To check for this, we check the Count property of
'the PageWindows collection. The PageWindows collection's Count
'property is equal to the number of files that are currently open.
'Get the count of the PageWindows collection
If ActiveWeb.ActiveWebWindow.PageWindows.Count <> 0 Then
'Assign the result of a message box to the variable
myMsgBoxResults = _
MsgBox("Please close all files before running this macro.", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation)
'If the user clicks OK in our message box, exit the macro.
'This variable will equal vbOK as soon as the user clicks
'the OK button in the message box.
If myMsgBoxResults = vbOK Then Exit Sub
End If
'Set up a variable for the WebFolder we're passing to the
'RemoveMetaTag procedure
Dim myTempFolder As WebFolder
'Set the myWebFolder variable to equal the rootfolder of
'the active web
Set myTempFolder = ActiveWeb.RootFolder
'Now call the RemoveMetaTag procedure and pass myWebFolder to it.
RemoveMetaTag myTempFolder
'Display a dialog saying we're done.
myMsgBoxResults = MsgBox _
("All Generator meta tags removed.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation)
End Sub
Sub RemoveMetaTag(myWebFolder As WebFolder)
'Set up all variables
Dim myFiles As WebFiles
Dim myFile As WebFile
Dim myFolders As WebFolders
'Set myFiles equal to the active web's Files collection
Set myFiles = myWebFolder.Files
'Set myFolders equal to the active web's Folders collection
Set myFolders = myWebFolder.Folders
'This For loop loops through each file in the root folder
For Each myFile In myFiles
'Check to see if the file is actually an ASP or HTML file.
If UCase(myFile.Extension) = "HTM" Or UCase(myFile.Extension) = "HTML" Or UCase(myFile.Extension) = "ASP" Then
'Open the file
'Set up a variable for the opened PageWindow
Dim myPage As PageWindow
Set myPage = ActivePageWindow
'Make sure we're in Normal view
myPage.ViewMode = fpPageViewNormal
'Remove the meta tag
ActiveDocument.all.tags("meta").Item("GENERATOR").outerHTML = ""
'Save and close the page.
End If
Next myFile
'Now we have to recursively call the RemoveMetaTag procedure so
'that we can loop through all folders in the web.
Dim mySubFolder As WebFolder
For Each mySubFolder In myWebFolder.Folders
'Only call RemoveMetaTag if the current subfolder is not a subweb
If mySubFolder.IsWeb = False Then RemoveMetaTag mySubFolder
Next mySubFolder
End Sub