A PivotTable that you create from data stored on an OLAP server is updated much more slowly than a similar PivotTable that you create from data stored on another server, such as SQL Server. This behavior is noticeable when you perform an action that causes your PivotTable to be refreshed, such as changing the layout.
Before Excel displays summarized data in a PivotTable report, an OLAP server performs calculations to summarize the data and then returns the summarized data to Excel. An OLAP server returns new data to Excel every time you change the view or layout of the PivotTable or PivotChart report. Whereas a non-OLAP external database returns all the individual source records, and then Excel does the summarizing. Consequently, OLAP databases provide Excel with the ability to analyze much larger amounts of external data.
For additional information about OLAP PivotTables, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XL2000: Differences Between OLAP and Non-OLAP PivotTables