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Virtual SQL Server 7.0-Based Server Only Supports the Use of One TCP/IP Address

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On a Windows 2000 or Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition server cluster running Microsoft Cluster service with clustered SQL Server Enterprise Edition 6.5 or 7.0, configuring a virtual SQL Server server to answer client requests over multiple network adapters or TCP/IP addresses is not a supported operation.

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More information

In SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Edition, the wizard does not work if you have existing IP addresses in the same resource group. However, it is possible to add TCP/IP addresses after the SQL Server failover group has been configured, and SQL Server 6.5 does service client request over all TCP/IP addresses. This behavior is unintentional, has not been tested, and is not supported.

In SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition, the Cluster Wizard only allows one TCP/IP address. If you set up another TCP/IP address resource in the same resource group as the virtual SQL Server server, that TCP/IP address is ignored.

SQL Server 7.0 Enterprise Edition listens only on the first IP address in the resource group. The logic used on the server is:
IF (NOT a virtual server on cluster)

   Listen on all IP addresses on the machine


   Listen on only the first IP address within the resource group
NOTE: A stand-alone SQL Server does listen to and answer client request on all TCP/IP addresses available on the computer. Hence, you should not plan on upgrading from a single SQL Server to a clustered virtual SQL Server if you rely on this feature.

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Article Info
Article ID : 235987
Revision : 5
Created on : 1/1/0001
Published on : 1/1/0001
Exists online : False
Views : 500