To resolve this error, add a database connection to the 60 Minute Intranet Kit web. To do so, follow these steps:
- With the 60 Minute Intranet Kit web open in FrontPage 2000, click Web Settings on the Tools menu.
- Click the Databases tab, and click Add.
- In the New Database Connection dialog box, enter Database1 as the Name for the new database connection.
- For Type of connection, click File or Folder in current web.
- Click Browse to locate the database. The database to use is in the fpdb folder and is named web.mdb. Open the fpdb folder and click web.mdb. Click OK.
- Click OK to close the Database Connection Properties dialog box.
- Click Verify. Click OK to close the Web Settings dialog box
You now have a database connection established and your database components should work as expected.