To work around this behavior, use the appropriate method for your situation.
Method 1: If You Need to Have an Exclusive Connection
Make a read-only connection and then modify the .dsn file to make the exclusive connection. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Data menu, point to Get External Data, and then click New Database Query.
- Click the Databases tab.
- Click <New Data Source> and then click OK.
- In the Create New Data Source dialog box, follow these steps:
- In the What name do you want to give your data source box, type the name you want. For example, type MyQuery.
- In the Select a driver for the type of database you want to access list, click Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and then
click Connect.
- Click Select.
- Select the .mdb file you want to use and click to select the Read-Only and the Exclusive check boxes. Click OK.
- Modify the .dsn file. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Start menu, point to Find and then click Files or Folders.
- In the Find What box, type the name of the .dsn file. If you used the file name example from step 4, type MyQuery.dsn and then click Find Now.
- When found, open this file in Microsoft Notepad and change the "ReadOnly=1" setting to "ReadOnly=0".
- Save the file.
- Click OK.
Method 2: If You Do Not Have to Have an Exclusive Connection
- On the Data menu, point to Get External Data, and then click New Database Query.
- Click the Databases tab.
- Click <New Data Source> and then click OK.
- In the Create New Data Source dialog box, follow these steps:
- In the What name do you want to give your data source box, type the name you want. For example, type MyQuery.
- In the Select a driver for the type of database you want to access list, click Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and then
click Connect.
- Click Select.
- Select the .mdb file you want to use; click to select the Read-Only check box and then click OK.
- Click OK again.