Consider the following scenario:
If you use the WCF-SQL Server adapter in this scenario, you may also experience the following symptoms:
- You have a computer that is running Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 or Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009.
- You create a receive location that uses a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) LOB Adapter SDK-based adapter to receive messages. For example, you use a custom adapter or an adapter from BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0.
- Orchestration instances go into the Dehydrated state.
- The receive location does not process new messages.
If you use the WCF-SQL Server adapter in this scenario, you may also experience the following symptoms:
- Exclusive locks appear in database tables, and you find errors in the DTC trace.
- You may see the DTCXact transaction open when the program executes DBCC OPENTRAN.
- Sys.dm_tran_active_transactions dynamic management view in SQL Server Management Studio returns transaction_type =4 records. The Transaction_type =4 indicates it is a distributed transaction and the commit process has been initiated. However, the distributed transaction is still active and further processing does not take place.