repadmin at a command prompt displays the following list of switches:
Usage: repadmin <cmd> <args> [/u:{domain\\user}] [/pw:{password|*}]
Supported <cmd>s & args:
/sync <Naming Context> <Dest DSA> <Source DSA UUID> [/force] [/async
[/full] [/addref] [/allsources]
/syncall <Dest DSA> [<Naming Context>] [<flags>]
/kcc [DSA] [/async]
/bind [DSA]
/propcheck <Naming Context> <Originating DSA Invocation ID>
<Originating USN> [DSA from which to enumerate host DSAs]
/getchanges NamingContext [SourceDSA] [/cookie:<file>]
/getchanges NamingContext [DestDSA] SourceDSAObjectGuid
[/verbose] [/statistics]
/showreps [Naming Context] [DSA [Source DSA objectGuid]] [/verbose]
[/unreplicated] [/nocache]
/showvector <Naming Context> [DSA] [/nocache]
/showmeta <Object DN> [DSA] [/nocache]
/showtime <DS time value>
/showmsg <Win32 error>
/showism [<Transport DN>] [/verbose] (must be executed locally)
/showsig [DSA]
/showconn [DSA] [Container DN | <DSA guid>] (default is local site)
/showcert [DSA]
/queue [DSA]
/failcache [DSA]
/showctx [DSA] [/nocache]
Note:- <Dest DSA>, <Source DSA>, <DSA> : Names of the appropriate servers
<Naming Context> is the Distinguished Name of the root of the NC
Example: DC=My-Domain,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com
For example, to determine to which domain controller a particular change has replicated, type the following line
repadmin /showmeta
"CN=larryli,OU=DesignTeam,OU=Development,DC=ntbeta,DC=microsoft,DC=com" Name of DC
Name of DC is the host name of the domain controller you want to check for the replicated parameters.
The output of this command is similar to:
Loc.USN Originating DSA Org.USN Org.Date/Time Ver Attribute
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 objectClass
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 cn
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 sn
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 c
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 l
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 st
1706 Luxembourg\EMBY 1706 1999-04-23 15:38.39 1 title
1667 Luxembourg\EMBY 1667 1999-04-23 15:37.12 2 description
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 postalCode
1667 Luxembourg\EMBY 1667 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 physDevOffName
1667 Luxembourg\EMBY 1667 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 telephoneNumber
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 givenName
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 instanceType
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 whenCreated
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 displayName
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 streetAddress
1776 Luxembourg\EMBY 1776 1999-04-23 16:32.44 2 NTSecurityDescriptor
1851 Luxembourg\EMBY 1851 1999-04-23 17:06.09 2 wWWHomePage
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 name
1649 Luxembourg\EMBY 1649 1999-04-23 15:29.38 3 userAccountControl
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 codePage
1668 Luxembourg\EMBY 1668 1999-04-23 15:37.12 2 countryCode
1704 Luxembourg\EMBY 1704 1999-04-23 15:38.19 2 homeDirectory
1704 Luxembourg\EMBY 1704 1999-04-23 15:38.19 2 homeDrive
1641 Luxembourg\EMBY 1641 1999-04-23 15:29.37 2 dBCSPwd
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 scriptPath
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 logonHours
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 userWorkstations
1641 Luxembourg\EMBY 1641 1999-04-23 15:29.37 2 unicodePwd
1641 Luxembourg\EMBY 1641 1999-04-23 15:29.37 2 ntPwdHistory
1641 Luxembourg\EMBY 1641 1999-04-23 15:29.37 2 pwdLastSet
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 primaryGroupID
1643 Luxembourg\EMBY 1643 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 supplmntlCredentials
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 userParameters
1669 Luxembourg\EMBY 1669 1999-04-23 15:37.12 2 profilePath
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 objectSid
1776 Luxembourg\EMBY 1776 1999-04-23 16:32.44 1 adminCount
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 comment
1640 Luxembourg\EMBY 1640 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 accountExpires
1641 Luxembourg\EMBY 1641 1999-04-23 15:29.37 2 lmPwdHistory
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 sAMAccountName
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 sAMAccountType
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 userPrincipalName
1704 Luxembourg\EMBY 1704 1999-04-23 15:38.19 1 userSharedFolder
1639 Luxembourg\EMBY 1639 1999-04-23 15:29.37 1 objectCategory
1667 Luxembourg\EMBY 1667 1999-04-23 15:37.12 1 mail
1705 Luxembourg\EMBY 1705 1999-04-23 15:38.39 1 homePhone
By running this command against each domain controller, an administrator can determine whether all domain controllers have the same replicated values. If a specific domain controller does not have the same value, and the change was made some time ago, you can begin investigating why the computer has not yet received the change.