To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
Job.GET(JobJnlLine."Job No.");
NondeductibleVATAmount := 0;
NondeductibleBaseAmount := 0;
VATAmount := PurchLine."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLine.Amount;
BaseAmount := PurchLine.Amount;
PurchLine."Deductible %", GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");
IF PurchLine."Currency Code" = '' THEN BEGIN
JobJnlLine."Direct Unit Cost (LCY)" := ROUND((PurchLine.Amount + NondeductibleVATAmount) / JobJnlLine.Quantity);
Job.GET(JobJnlLine."Job No.");
// Add the following lines.
IF Type = Type::Item THEN BEGIN
IF Item."Costing Method" = Item."Costing Method"::Standard THEN
JobJnlLine.VALIDATE("Unit Cost (LCY)",Item."Standard Cost")
JobJnlLine.VALIDATE("Unit Cost (LCY)","Unit Cost (LCY)")
JobJnlLine.VALIDATE("Unit Cost (LCY)","Unit Cost (LCY)");
// End of the added lines.
NondeductibleVATAmount := 0;
NondeductibleBaseAmount := 0;
VATAmount := PurchLine."Amount Including VAT" - PurchLine.Amount;
BaseAmount := PurchLine.Amount;
PurchLine."Deductible %", GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");
IF (PurchLine."Currency Code" = '') OR (Type = Type::Item) THEN BEGIN
JobJnlLine."Direct Unit Cost (LCY)" := ROUND((PurchLine.Amount + NondeductibleVATAmount) / JobJnlLine.Quantity);
You must have the Italian version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed to apply this hotfix.