To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
To resolve this problem, change the Flowfield calculation of field 12180 in the The Prod. Order Component table (5407) as follows:
{ 12180; ;Qty. transf. to Subcontractor;Decimal;
CalcFormula=Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE (Entry Type=CONST(Transfer),
Prod. Order No.=FIELD(Prod. Order No.),
Prod. Order Line No.=FIELD(Prod. Order Line No.),
Prod. Order Comp. Line No.=FIELD(Line No.),
Subcontr. Purch. Order No.=FIELD(Purchase Order Filter),
Location Code=FIELD(Location Code),
Editable=No }
{ 12180; ;Qty. transf. to Subcontractor;Decimal;
CalcFormula=Sum("Item Ledger Entry".Quantity WHERE (Entry Type=CONST(Transfer),
Prod. Order No.=FIELD(Prod. Order No.),
Prod. Order Line No.=FIELD(Prod. Order Line No.),
Prod. Order Comp. Line No.=FIELD(Line No.),
Subcontr. Purch. Order No.=FIELD(Purchase Order Filter),
Location Code=FIELD(Original Location)));
Editable=No }