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"'NotQueryTextBox.value' is null or not an object" error message when you perform an advanced search on a SharePoint Server 2010 website

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Consider the following scenario. On a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 website, you click to clear the Show "none of these words" search box check boxwhen you configure the advanced search settings. Then, you try to run an advanced search. In this scenario, you cannot perform the search successfully. Additionally, you receive the following error message in a dialog box:

'NotQueryTextBox.value' is null or not an object.

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To resolve this issue, apply the following updates:
  • 2276336 Description of the SharePoint Server 2010 hotfix package (osrchwfe-x-none.msp): August 31, 2010
  • 2266423 Description of the SharePoint Foundation 2010 hotfix package (Sts-x-none.msp): August 31, 2010

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.

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Keywords: kbcu, kbqfe, kbexpertisebeginner, kbsurveynew, kbprb, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2267850
Revision : 2
Created on : 9/19/2018
Published on : 9/19/2018
Exists online : False
Views : 275