Some templates and add-ins contain Microsoft Excel version 4.0 macro code. This type of macro, also referred to as xlm, is stored in a macro sheet instead of a Visual Basic module. By clearing the
Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box, you are attempting to prevent all macros stored in add-ins and templates from loading. Excel 4.0 macros cannot be digitally signed and cannot be opened with macro security set to the
High setting.
Some add-ins for Microsoft Excel contain code written in the Excel version 4.0 macro language. These add-ins are listed in the following table:
Add-in Name Menu Command
----------- ---- -------
Solver Add-in Tools Solver
Report Manager View Report Manager
Analysis Toolpak Tools Data Analysis
Autosave Add-in Tools AutoSave
MS Query Add-in N/A N/A - Installs worksheet functions.
ODBC Add-in N/A N/A - Installs worksheet functions.