When you select Netscape Navigator Only, or Both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, from the Browsers list and specify the version to be 4.0 or later, the "Enable Collapsible Outlines" check box is still available.
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The Enable Collapsible Outlines feature uses cascading style sheets(CSS).
Netscape Navigator provides limited support for cascading style sheets.
Note that FrontPage does not show the Enable Collapsible Outlines check box in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box by default. To access the Enable Collapsible Outlines check box, you must first create the outline, select the outline, and then click Bullets and Numbering on the Format menu.
Enable Collapsible Outlines should be disabled when you select Netscape Navigator Only, or Both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, from the Browsers list.
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