To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods.
Method 1: Verify the Database Connection
To verify the database connection, follow these steps:
- Open the Web on the server.
- On the File menu, click Open Web.
- In the Folder Name box, type the name of the Web. (Example: http://localhost/myweb)
- Click Open.
- On the Tools menu, click Web Settings.
- Click the Database tab.
- Select the database connection, and click Verify. Repeat this steps for each database in the list.
Method 2: Set the Root Folder to Allow Programs to Be Run
To set the root folder to allow programs to be run, follow these steps:
- Open the Web on the server.
- On the File menu, click Open Web.
- In the Folder Name box, type the name of the Web. (Example: http://localhost/myweb)
- Click Open.
- On the View menu, click Folders.
- In the Folder list, right-click the top level folder, and then click Properties.
- Click to select the Allow programs to be run check box, and then click OK.NOTE: On subfolders that contain ASP, you might need to right-click the folder and select the Allow programs to be run check box for ASP to function correctly.
Webs hosted on Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.o with FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions or on Internet Information Services 5.0 also need to have an application root created. Click the Directory tab in the Internet Service Manager, and then click Create.
Method 3: Create a New Page by Using the Database Connection
To create a new page using the database connection, follow these steps:
- Open a new page in the Page view of FrontPage.
- On the Insert menu, point to Database, and click Results.
- In Step one of the Database Results Wizard, click to select the Use an Existing Database option, and select your database from the list.
- Click Next, and accept all defaults.
- When the wizard is finished, save the page to the Web (on the server).NOTE: After the initial page has been saved, you can delete the file that you created by using this method.