There are several methods you may use to print your HTML code. Use the method appropriate to your situation.
Method 1: Print From Notepad
To print the HTML of your Web page from Notepad, follow these steps:
- Open your Web page in Notepad.
- On the File menu, click Print.
Method 2: Print From Your Web Browser
NOTE: This method assumes that you are using Internet Explorer version 4. These steps may be different from the ones listed in this method. For more information about how to print in your Web browser, please see the documentation provided by the software manufacturer.
To print the HTML of your Web page from your browser, follow these steps:
- Open your Web page in Internet Explorer.
- On the View menu, click Source.
- On the File menu, click Print.
Method 3: Print From Microsoft Script Editor
To print the HTML of your Web page from Microsoft Script Editor, follow these steps:
- Open the Web page with the HTML code that you want to print.
- On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and click Microsoft Script Editor.
NOTE: If you currently do not have Microsoft Script Editor installed, you will be prompted to install it. To install Microsoft Script Editor, click Yes.
IMPORTANT: If you originally installed FrontPage 2000 from a network location, and you are not currently logged on to the network, you will need to either log on to the network, or use Method 1 or Method 2. - On the File menu of Microsoft Script Editor, click Print.