The Transition Formula Evaluation option is designed to allow for differences between the way Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 evaluate expressions. This option is automatically enabled
when you open a Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
The VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions search the first column of an array
(top row with HLOOKUP) for a particular value and return the value in the
cell indicated by the index argument. However, these functions may return
the incorrect value if TFE is enabled.
To use this example, enter the following data:
A1: Blue B1: 10
A2: Green B2: 20
A3: Red B3: 30
The formula =VLOOKUP("Blue",A1:B3,1) returns the value 0 (array index to
cell A1) if TFE is enabled and the value "Blue" if TFE is not enabled.
NOTE: Array indexes start with 0 so the index to A1 is 0, A2 is 1, and so on.