When you copy a sheet to a target workbook, you may establish a link to
the source workbook that remains even after the copied sheet is
deleted from the target workbook.
If you copy a dialog sheet to another workbook, and the dialog sheet
contains any of the following
� | check box |
� | option button |
� | list box |
� | combo box |
� | scroll bar |
� | spin box
and the
Input Range or
Cell Link box on the
Control tab of the
Object dialog box contains a reference, Excel creates a link to the source workbook. Additionally, if the
Input Range or
Cell Link box references a named range, the named range is added to the target workbook's
Define Name list.
If you copy a worksheet or macro sheet that contains a formula that
references another worksheet in the source workbook, Excel creates a link to the source workbook. Additionally, if the formula that references another worksheet in the source workbook contains a named range, Excel adds the named range to the target workbook's
Define Name list.