Method 1: Use the Templates Folder
To use the Templates folder, follow these steps:
- Save the workbook template in the Templates folder or in a folder located inside the Templates folder.
- In Microsoft Excel, click New on the File menu to create a copy of the template.
The template will be located on the General tab.
NOTE: If you save the template in a folder that is located
inside the Templates folder, you can still create a copy of
the template by clicking New on the File menu in Microsoft
Excel. However, the template will be located on the tab that
has the same name as the folder in which that template is
Method 2: Use the Xlstart Folder
To use the Xlstart folder, follow these steps:
- Save the Microsoft Excel workbook template in the Xlstart folder.
- In Microsoft Excel, click New on the File menu to create a copy of the template.
A template stored in the Xlstart folder always appears on the General tab.
Method 3: Use the Alternate Startup Folder
To use the alternate startup folder, follow these steps:
- Save the Microsoft Excel workbook template in the alternate startup folder.
The alternate startup folder is a folder of your choice.
You can specify the alternate startup folder for Microsoft
Excel by clicking Options on the Tools menu. On the
General tab of the Options dialog box you can specify a
folder that behaves just like the Xlstart folder.
- After you save the file in the alternate startup folder, create a copy of the template by clicking New on the File menu in Microsoft Excel.
A template stored in the alternate startup folder always
appears on the General tab.
Method 4: Use a Macro
If you store a template in a folder other than those listed
in methods 1 through 3, you must use a macro to open a copy
of the template. To open a copy of a template, use the
following line in a Visual Basic macro:
Workbooks.Add Template:= <template path and filename>
This example assumes you saved a template workbook in the
c:\Xlfiles folder and called the template "Template.xlt"
(without quotation marks).
Sub Open_Template()
Workbooks.Add Template:= "C:\Xlfiles\Template.xlt"
End Sub