You can avoid the truncation by using the following array forms of these
- DDERequest(channel, "QueryDefinition/n")
- DDERequest(channel, "ODBCSQLStatement/n")
channel is the DDE to Microsoft Query channel variable.
The array form of these functions parses the SQL statement into array
elements. You can use the following Visual Basic for Applications code
sample to place the SQL statement on a worksheet using the array form of
these functions.
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Before you run this subroutine, be sure that Microsoft Query 2000 is open
and that you understand how to select a data source and return data to Microsoft Excel.
For more information about using Microsoft Query, click
Microsoft Excel Help on the
Help menu, type
microsoft query in the Office Assistant or
the Answer Wizard, and then click
Search to view the topics
Sample Visual Basic Code
Type the following code in a module sheet:
Sub TestArrayQueryDefinition()
' Activate a worksheet.
' Initiate a Channel to MSQuery.
Chan = DDEInitiate("MSQUERY", "System")
' Give the user control in Microsoft Query so they can select data
' from a database and return to Excel.
DDEExecute Chan, "[UserControl('&Return to Excel',3,true)]"
' At this point the code opens Microsoft Query and waits
' for the user to select a Data Source, Data Table(s), and data to
' return to Microsoft Excel.
' To request the Query Definition be parsed into of 50 character
' sections...
QryDefArray = DDERequest(Chan, "QueryDefinition/50")
' To format the parsed Query Definition data...
ArrayLen = UBound(QryDefArray, 1)
Range("A1").Value = "Query Definition (renamed Column Names) in " _
& ArrayLen & " parts:"
' If the Array length is one then a one dimension array is returned,
' if the Array length is greater than one, a two dimension array is
' returned.
If ArrayLen = 1 Then
' Place the single line of data on the worksheet and remove wrap text.
Range("A2") = QryDefArray(1): Range("A2").WrapText = False
' Place the parsed lines of data on the worksheet and remove wrap
' text.
For i = 1 To ArrayLen
Range("A" & i) = QryDefArray(i, 1)
Range("A" & i).WrapText = False 'To undo wrap text
Next i
End If
End Sub