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The following Visual Basic macro sets the minimum and maximum values for
the y-axis scale in a chart to the maximum and minimum values of the data
used to create the chart.
Type the following in a Visual Basic module sheet:
Sub SetScaleToMinAndMaxValues()
Dim ValuesArray(), SeriesValues As Variant
Dim Ctr As Integer, TotCtr As Integer
' Uses the first chart on the active worksheet.
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
' Note: Instead of the preceding line, you could use this line:
' With ActiveChart
' if you wanted to be able to run this macro on a chart sheet.
' Loops through all of the Series and retrieves the values
' and places them into an array named ValuesArray.
For Each X In .SeriesCollection
SeriesValues = X.Values
ReDim Preserve ValuesArray(1 To TotCtr + UBound(SeriesValues))
For Ctr = 1 To UBound(SeriesValues)
ValuesArray(Ctr + TotCtr) = SeriesValues(Ctr)
TotCtr = TotCtr + UBound(SeriesValues)
' Reset the minimum and maximum scale to the minimum and
' maximum values in the ValuesArray.
.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScaleIsAuto = True
.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = Application.Min(ValuesArray)
.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = Application.Max(ValuesArray)
End With
End Sub
Using the Macro
- Select the worksheet that contains your chart.
- To activate the macro, click Macro on the Tools menu, and run the SetScaleToMinAndMaxValues macro.
The minimum and maximum values of the y-axis should now be equal to the
minimum and maximum values of the data.