When you write a custom Visual Basic function in Microsoft Excel, the last
argument accepted by the function can be declared as a
ParamArray. When you do this, the function will accept one or more values and place them in the specified variable as an array. The value(s) can then be used within the function. For example, if you have the following function
Function Test(X As Integer, ParamArray Y())
Test = "Hello"
End Function
when you enter the formula
in a cell, the first argument (6) will be used as the value of the variable
X. The remaining arguments (7, 8, 9, 10) will become elements in the array
In versions of Microsoft Excel earlier than Excel 97, if you call a custom function from a formula in a worksheet cell, and if the function contains a
ParamArray, the
ParamArray is a one-based array. That is, the first element in the array is element 1. In Microsoft Excel 97 or later, the first element in such an array is element 0. You can demonstrate the difference by entering the following function in a Visual Basic module in Microsoft Excel:
Function TestIndex(ParamArray T())
TestIndex = T(3)
End Function
When you enter this formula:
the formula will return a different value in Microsoft Excel 97 or later than it does in versions of Microsoft Excel earlier than Excel 97, because the array of values is zero-based, not one-based:
T() Element Numbers Array
Zero-Based One-Based Value
0 1 1
1 2 3
2 3 5
3 4 7
4 5 9
So, in Microsoft Excel 5.0 and 7.0, the formula returns the value 5. In
Microsoft Excel 97 or later, the formula returns 7.
Note that arrays declared by
ParamArray are
always zero-based if called from another Visual Basic macro. The change in behavior between versions of Excel only applies when you call the function in question from a formula in a worksheet cell.