In Microsoft Excel 2000, you can specify options for the data range that is
returned from Microsoft Query. For example, you can select
Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data.
Selecting the Option
To select
Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data, follow these steps:
1. | Select a cell in the data range. |
2. | Point to Get External Data on the Data menu, and click Data Range Properties.
3. | Select the Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data check box, and click OK.
Behavior of Formulas in Columns to Right of the Data Range
When you select the
Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data check box, and you refresh or modify the data range, and the range contains additional rows, the formulas in columns to the right of the data range are copied to the new rows. If the data range contains fewer rows, the formulas in columns to the right of the unused rows are removed.
Behavior of Formulas in Columns to Left of the Data Range
When you select the
Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data check box, and you refresh or modify the data range, and the range contains additional rows, the formulas in columns to the left of the data range are not copied to the new rows. If the data range contains fewer rows, the formulas in columns to the left of the unused rows return a #REF! error. This behavior occurs because the
Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data option is designed to fill formulas in columns only to the
right of the data range.