You can use validation to make sure that users only enter specific values, or specific types of values, into cells in Microsoft Excel.
One validation option allows you to attach a drop-down list box to a cell
when the cell is selected. If you use this option, users can only enter values in the cell that are contained within the list box. The list box can refer to a
range of cells for its values, or it can contain them directly.
To create a validation drop-down list box that directly contains its own
values, follow these steps:
- Select the cell that is to contain a validation drop-down list box.
- On the Data menu, click Validation.
- Click the Settings tab.
- In the Allow list, click List. In the Source box, type a list of values, separated by commas, for example:
One, Two, Three, Four
- Click OK.
When you select the cell, the drop-down list box appears, and you can
select a value from the list. You cannot manually type a value into the