To prevent this problem from occurring, use the following syntax in the
"link_location" argument of the HYPERLINK function:
[workbook name]defined name or range
So, instead of using this
=HYPERLINK("C:\My Documents\Mybook.xls!Alpha")
you should use
=HYPERLINK("[C:\My Documents\Mybook.xls]Alpha")
=HYPERLINK("[C:\My Document\Mybook.xls]$A$1")
If you use the incorrect syntax, the error message in the "Symptoms"
section appears, and the window of the workbook to which you are
hyperlinking becomes hidden. To unhide the workbook, follow these steps:
- On the Window menu, click Unhide.
- Click the name of the workbook you want to unhide and click OK.
You can then close or save the workbook, as necessary.