Use a Validation Rule
The following sample validation rule requires that entries in a field or control called Last Name be entered in uppercase letters:
StrComp(UCase([Last Name]),[Last Name],0) = 0
In Microsoft Access 2000, you have two additional alternatives: an input mask, or an event procedure triggered by the KeyPress event.
Use an Input Mask
The following input mask accepts either letters or numbers and makes the first letter uppercase and the following three lowercase:
Use the On Key Press Event Procedure
CAUTION: If you follow the steps in this example, you modify the sample database Northwind.mdb. You may want to back up the Northwind.mdb file and follow these steps on a copy of the database.To change letters to uppercase as you type them in a control, follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Access and open the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- In the Database window, click Forms under Objects, click Suppliers, and then click Design.
- In the form's Detail section, click the Company Name text box.
- If the property sheet is not visible, click Properties on the View menu.
- On the form's property sheet, click the Event tab, and then click On Key Press.
- Select Event Procedure, and then click the Build Button.
- Type the following as the control's On Key Press event procedure:
Private Sub CompanyName_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) End Sub
- Save and close the module; save the Suppliers form, and then open it in Form view.
- Edit the data in the Company Name text box and notice that all characters are converted to uppercase.