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How to store SQL database login IDs and passwords locally

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101084 .

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Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

This article applies only to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb and .accdb).

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Storing SQL database login IDs and passwords locally requires that the database administrator create a unique table on the server.

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More Information

In Microsoft Access, when you link a SQL database table, you can choose whether you want Microsoft Access to store your login ID and password locally. If you do not, Microsoft Access prompts you for your login ID and password each time that you connect to the SQL database containing the table.

If you want Microsoft Access to store the connection information in your Microsoft Access database so that you do not have to type it each time, you can click to select the Save Password check box in the Link Tables dialog box when you link the SQL database table.

For Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase SQL Server, and ORACLE Server databases, your SQL database administrator can choose to disable this feature, requiring all users to enter their login IDs and passwords each time they connect to a SQL database.

To disable the ability to store login IDs and passwords locally, your SQL database administrator must create a table called MSysConf in the SQL database. When a user connects to the SQL database, Microsoft Access looks for this table in the database and, if it finds it, queries the table. If the values in the table correctly specify that local storing of login IDs and passwords should be disabled, Microsoft Access does so, regardless of whether the Save Login ID And Password Locally check box is selected. If the table is not present or does not specify disabling of the feature, users can store login IDs and passwords locally.

The SQL database table MSysConf should have the following structure.

Column name Data type Allows Null?
Config A data type that corresponds to a No
2-byte integer, for example SMALLINT

chValue VARCHAR(255) Yes

nValue A data type that corresponds to a
4-byte integer, for example INT Yes

Comment VARCHAR(255) Yes
If the data source you are working with is case-sensitive, use the table and column names exactly as shown. All users must have permission to use the SELECT statement on this table and only the system administrator can have permission to use the DELETE statement on this table.

In ORACLE, there are a few things that are different. For instance, the word "Comment" is reserved in ORACLE, so you will need to change it to "Comments." The other change relates to a difference in data types. Here is how the table would appear in an ORACLE database:

Nvalue can have a precision of up to Num(9,0).

To disable password and login ID storage, the table should have only one row as follows:

Column name Value Explanation
Config 101 This value indicates that this record
determines password properties.

chValue NULL Reserved for future use.

nValue 0 or 1 Use 0 to prevent the password and login ID
from being stored; use 1 to permit
password and login ID storage.

Comment Enter your own comments here.
NOTE: If you change the nValue value, you must restart Access before the change will actually take place.

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For more information about linking tables, click Microsoft Access Help on the Help menu, type Link SQL Database in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.

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Keywords: kbsweptsoltax, kbdatabase, kbdesign, kbhowto, kbinfo, kbusage, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 209502
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 1/7/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 706