The Customers and Suppliers By City union query selects records from both
the Customers and Suppliers tables. The SQL of this query is as follows:
SELECT City, CompanyName, ContactName, "Customers" AS [Relationship]
FROM Customers
UNION SELECT City, CompanyName, ContactName, "Suppliers"
FROM Suppliers
ORDER BY City, CompanyName;
To add a parameter to the union query, you must duplicate the parameter in
each SELECT clause in the query. To add a parameter (in this case a city)
to the query, follow these steps.
CAUTION: If you follow the steps in this example, you modify the sample database Northwind.mdb. You may want to back up the Northwind.mdb file and follow these steps on a copy of the database.
- Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- Open the Customers and Suppliers By City query in Design view.
- Change the query's SQL so that it looks like the following:
SELECT City, CompanyName, ContactName, "Customers" AS [Relationship]
FROM Customers
WHERE Country = "Brazil" and City = [Enter City]
UNION SELECT City, CompanyName, ContactName, "Suppliers"
FROM Suppliers
WHERE Country = "Brazil" and City = [Enter City]
ORDER BY City, CompanyName;
- Save the query and close it.
- Open the query in Datasheet view and type Rio de Janeiro in the Enter City dialog box. Note that only the Customers and Suppliers from Rio de Janeiro are displayed.