Global Const SUCCESS_SUCCESS = 0
Const PermOpenRun = 1
Const PermReadDes = 2
Const PermReadData = 3
Const PermModDes = 4
Const PermAdmin = 5
Const PermModData = 6
Const PermDeleteData = 7
Const PermInsertData = 8
' ****************************************
' FUNCTION: UtilSecTbls()
' Returns: True if the function completes successfully of false
' if it does Not.
' ****************************************
Function UtilSecTbls() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_UtilSecTbls
Dim Mydb As Database, DBObjs As Recordset, StrUsrName As String
Dim strClass As String, GrpRs As Recordset, SecRs As Recordset
Dim UsrRecs As Recordset, lngAdmin, lngExecute, lngReadDef, _
lngWritedef, lngReadData, lngUpdateData, lngDeleteData, _
lngInsertData As Long
' Try to create the tables; if no error, continue.
If CreateTbls() Then
' Set the database object and open the recordsets.
Set Mydb = CurrentDb()
Set SecRs = Mydb.OpenRecordset("UTL_UsrPermTable")
Set UsrRecs = Mydb.OpenRecordset("UTL_UsrTable")
Set DBObjs = Mydb.OpenRecordset("UTL_DBobjstable")
lngAdmin = dbSecFullAccess
' Loop through the tables of Users and groups.
Do While Not UsrRecs.EOF
' Store the group name or user name.
StrUsrName = UsrRecs!AccountId
' Now loop through the table of objects so that you can get
' the permissions to the objects for each user or group.
Do While Not DBObjs.EOF
' Set variables initially to 9999 so you can use them only
' when a user or group might have that permission.
lngExecute = 9999
lngReadDef = 9999
lngWritedef = 9999
lngReadData = 999
lngUpdateData = 9999
lngDeleteData = 9999
lngInsertData = 9999
' Check to see what kind of an object you are using and set
' the variables to the appropriate security setting.
Select Case DBObjs!DocType
Case "Forms", "Reports"
If DBObjs!DocType = "Forms" Then
strClass = "Forms"
strClass = "Reports"
End If
lngExecute = acSecFrmRptExecute
lngReadDef = acSecFrmRptReadDef
lngWritedef = acSecFrmRptWriteDef
Case "Tables", "Queries"
strClass = "Tables"
lngReadDef = dbSecReadDef
lngWritedef = dbSecWriteDef
lngReadData = dbSecRetrieveData
lngUpdateData = dbSecReplaceData
lngDeleteData = dbSecInsertData
lngInsertData = dbSecInsertData
Case "Modules"
strClass = "Modules"
lngReadDef = acSecModReadDef
lngWritedef = acSecModWriteDef
Case "Macros"
strClass = "Scripts"
lngReadDef = acSecMacReadDef
lngWritedef = acSecMacWriteDef
lngExecute = acSecMacExecute
End Select
' If you need to check for Open-Run permissions for the object
If lngExecute <> 9999 Then
' Call the GetPermissions function to check the permission.
' If it returns true, then add a record in the Usr Permissions table
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngExecute) = lngExecute Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermOpenRun
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have Read Design permissions.
If lngReadDef <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And dbSecFullAccess) = dbSecFullAccess Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermReadDes
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have Administer permissions to the object.
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And dbSecFullAccess) = dbSecFullAccess Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermAdmin
End If
' Check to see if you have Modify Design permissions.
If lngWritedef <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngWritedef) = lngWritedef Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermModDes
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have Read Data permissions.
If lngReadData <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngReadData) = lngReadData Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermReadData
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have insert permissions.
If lngInsertData <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngInsertData) = lngInsertData Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermInsertData
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have Update Data permissions.
If lngUpdateData <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngUpdateData) = lngUpdateData Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermModData
End If
End If
' Check to see if you have Delete Data permissions.
If lngDeleteData <> 9999 Then
If (GetPermissions(UsrRecs!AccountId, strClass, DBObjs!Docname) _
And lngDeleteData) = lngDeleteData Then
SecRs!docId = DBObjs!docId
SecRs!AccountId = StrUsrName
SecRs!PermissionsId = PermDeleteData
End If
End If
UtilSecTbls = True
MsgBox "Tables were not successfully created."
UtilSecTbls = False
End If
Exit Function
' If an error occurs, display the message and terminate the
' .. function, returning the error number.
MsgBox Err & " " & Error$
UtilSecTbls = False
Resume Bye_UtilSecTbls
End Function
' ****************************************
' FUNCTION: CreateTbls()
' Inputs: UserGrpName - name of a user or group account
' ObjClass - name of an object container
' ObjName - name of an object document
' Returns: True if the function completes successfully and false if
' it does not. It will also display an error message if it does not
' complete.
' ****************************************
Function CreateTbls() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Createtbls
Dim Secdb As Database, myWs As Workspace, grp As Group
Dim Usr As User, Lngdocid As Long
Dim SecTd As TableDef, secqd As QueryDef, mydoc As Document
Dim DocRs As Recordset, UsrRs As Recordset
' Set the Workgroup and database objects.
Set myWs = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set Secdb = CurrentDb
' Check to see if the Table of users and groups exist. If it
' does not exist create the table. If it does, delete the records
' from the table.
If IsTableQuery("", "UTL_USRTable") Then
Secdb.Execute "Delete * from UTL_USRTable;"
Secdb.Execute "CREATE TABLE UTL_USRTable (AccountID " & _
"Text(20) CONSTRAINT AccountIDPK PRIMARY KEY, Type " & _
End If
Set UsrRs = Secdb.OpenRecordset("UTL_UsrTable")
For Each grp In myWs.Groups
UsrRs!AccountId = grp.Name
UsrRs!Type = "Group"
Next grp
For Each Usr In myWs.Users
If Usr.Name <> "Creator" And Usr.Name <> "Engine" Then
UsrRs!AccountId = Usr.Name
UsrRs!Type = "User"
End If
Next Usr
' Check to see if the Table of Permissions exists.
' If it does not exist create the table and fill in the records.
If Not IsTableQuery("", "UTL_PermTable") Then
Secdb.Execute "CREATE TABLE UTL_PermTable (PermissionsID " & _
"Long CONSTRAINT PermIDPK PRIMARY KEY, PermissionsDesc " & _
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (1,'OpenRun')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (2,'Read Design')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (3,'Read Data')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (4,'Modify Design')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (5,'Admininster')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (6,'Update Data')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (7,'Delete Data')"
Secdb.Execute "Insert into UTL_PermTable " & _
"(PermissionsID,PermissionsDesc) Values (8,'Insert Data')"
End If
' Check to see if the Table of database objects exists.
' If it does not exist, create the table. If it does, then delete the
' records from the table.
If IsTableQuery("", "UTL_dbObjstable") Then
Secdb.Execute "Delete * from UTL_DbobjsTable;"
Secdb.Execute "CREATE TABLE UTL_DbObjsTable (DocID Long " & _
"docType Text(10));"
End If
' Fill in the data for the table by going through the TableDefs,
' QueryDefs, and documents collections.
Set DocRs = Secdb.OpenRecordset("UTL_DBobjstable")
Lngdocid = 1
For Each SecTd In Secdb.TableDefs
' Filter out Temp objects and System objects and loop through the
' TableDefs and QueryDefs collection.
If Left(SecTd.Name, 4) <> "Msys" And Left(SecTd.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = SecTd.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Tables"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
End If
Next SecTd
For Each secqd In Secdb.QueryDefs
If Left(secqd.Name, 1) <> "~" Then
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = secqd.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Queries"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
End If
Next secqd
' Loop through the Forms Document Collection.
For Each mydoc In Secdb.Containers!Forms.Documents
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = mydoc.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Forms"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
Next mydoc
' Loop through the Reports Document Collection.
For Each mydoc In Secdb.Containers!Reports.Documents
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = mydoc.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Reports"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
Next mydoc
' Loop through the Macros Document Collection.
For Each mydoc In Secdb.Containers!Scripts.Documents
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = mydoc.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Macros"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
Next mydoc
' Loop through the Modules Document Collection.
For Each mydoc In Secdb.Containers!Modules.Documents
DocRs!docId = Lngdocid
DocRs!Docname = mydoc.Name
DocRs!DocType = "Modules"
Lngdocid = Lngdocid + 1
Next mydoc
' Check to see if the Table of users permissions exists. If it does
' not exist, create the table. If it does, then delete the records
' from the table.
If IsTableQuery("", "UTL_UsrPermtable") Then
Secdb.Execute "Delete * From UTL_UsrPermTable"
Secdb.Execute "CREATE TABLE UTL_UsrPermTable (AccountID " & _
"Text(20), docId Long,PermissionsId Long);"
End If
CreateTbls = True
Exit Function
' If an error occurs, display the message and terminate the
' .. function, returning the error number.
MsgBox Err & " " & Error$
CreateTbls = False
Resume Bye_CreateTbls
End Function
' ****************************************
' FUNCTION: GetPermissions()
' Inputs: UserGrpName - name of a user or group account
' ObjClass - name of an object container
' ObjName - name of an object document
' Returns: Value of Permissions property or error number
' that was generated.
' ****************************************
Function GetPermissions&(UserGrpName$, ObjClass$, ObjName$)
On Error GoTo Err_GetPermissions
' Set DB to the current database, and set the DOC variable
' .. to the object specified in the arguments.
Dim Db As Database, DOC As Document
Set Db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set DOC = Db.Containers(ObjClass).Documents(ObjName)
' Set the UserName property of the document to the
' .. user or group you want to obtain the permissions for.
DOC.UserName = UserGrpName
' Get the permissions value.
GetPermissions = DOC.Permissions
Exit Function
' If an error occurs, display the message and terminate the
' .. function, returning the error number.
MsgBox Err & " " & Error$
GetPermissions = Err
Resume Bye_GetPermissions
End Function
' FUNCTION: IsTableQuery()
' PURPOSE: Determine if a table or query exists.
' DbName: The name of the database. If the database name
' is "" the current database is used.
' TName: The name of a table or query.
' RETURNS: True (it exists) or False (it does not exist).
Function IsTableQuery(DbName As String, TName As String) As Integer
Dim Db As Database, Found As Integer, Test As String
' Assume the table or query does not exist.
Found = False
' Trap for any errors.
On Error Resume Next
' If the database name is empty...
If Trim$(DbName) = "" Then
' Set Db to the current Db.
Set Db = CurrentDb()
' Otherwise, set Db to the specified open database.
Set Db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DbName)
' See if an error occurred.
If Err Then
MsgBox "Could not find database to open: " & DbName
IsTableQuery = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
' See if the name is in the Tables collection.
Test = Db.TableDefs(TName).Name
If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True
' Reset the error variable.
Err = 0
' See if the name is in the Queries collection.
Test = Db.QueryDefs(TName$).Name
If Err <> NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION Then Found = True
IsTableQuery = Found
End Function