You can invoke the Input Mask Wizard by clicking the
Build button to the right of the
InputMask property. The
InputMask property applies to table fields, query fields, and text box controls on forms and reports. You can use the Input Mask Wizard with Text and Date/Time data types, and, in forms and reports, you can use it with unbound text box controls. If you try to use the Input Mask Wizard with any other data types, you receive the error message mentioned in the "Symptoms" section.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
- Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- Open the Employees form in Design view.
- Click the EmployeeID text box control
- If the property sheet is not displayed, on the View menu, click Properties.
- In the Properties dialog box, click the InputMask property on the Data tab, and then click the Build button to invoke the Input Mask Wizard.