Edit the Time Card form to add the TimeCardID field. You can set the
Visible property of this field to
No if you do not want to see it. To do so, follow these steps:
1. | Start Microsoft Access, and then open the database you created using the Time and Billing Wizard. |
2. | In the Database window, click Forms under Objects, and then click Time Cards. |
3. | Open the Time Cards form in Design view.
4. | If the Field List is not already open, on the View menu, click Field List.
5. | Drag the TimeCardID field from the Field List to an empty space on the Time Cards form.
6. | If the property sheet is not already open, on the View menu, click Properties.
7. | Set the Visible property of the TimeCardID text box to No.
8. | Save the form and close it. |
When you click
Enter/View Time Cards on the Main Switchboard, and then attempt to type new data, the data from other records is not displayed because the subform is now properly filtered.