nvarchar data type is a variable-length Unicode character data type. The length must be a value from 1 through 4,000. Storage size, in bytes, is two times the number of characters entered.
varchar data type is a variable-length non-Unicode character data type. The length must be a value from 1 through 8,000. Storage size is the actual length of the data entered.
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
1. | Create a new Access database named TestDB. |
2. |
In the new database, create a new table called Test1 with the following characteristics:
Table: Test1
Field Name: CategoryID
Data Type: Counter
Indexed: Yes (No Duplicates)
Field Name: CategoryName
Data Type: Text
Save the table and open it in Datasheet view.
3. |
Enter the following sample data.
CategoryID | CategoryName |
1 | Drinks | 2 | Meats | 3 | Vegetables |
4. | Close the table. |
5. | On the Tools menu, point to Database Utilities, and then click Upsizing Wizard. |
6. | Upsize the Test1 table to a new database. |
7. | Click Next for each step in the wizard until you see the screen that asks What application changes do you want to make? |
8. |
Click Create a new Access client/server application, and then click Finish.
9. |
In the resulting report, note that the data type of CategoryID is varchar.
10. |
Close the report.
11. |
In the new TestDB.adp, open the Test1 table in Design view. Note that the data type of CategoryID is nvarchar.