Sub CreateJetConstraint()
Dim ADOConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim SQL As String
Dim ADOXCat As New ADOX.Catalog
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'Delete the sample database JetContraint is it already exists.
Kill "c:\JetContstraint.mdb"
' Using ADOX create a new Jet database.
ADOXCat.Create "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data " & _
' Set the ADO Connection Properties and open the database.
With ADOConnection
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.Open "Data Source=c:\JetContstraint.mdb"
' Create a new table called CreditLimit.
.Execute "CREATE TABLE CreditLimit (CreditLimit DOUBLE);"
.Execute "INSERT INTO CreditLimit VALUES (100);"
End With
' Create a new table called Customer with a check constraint which
' validates that a new customers Credit Limit does not exceed the
' credit limit in the CreditLimit table.
SQL = "CREATE TABLE Customers (CustId IDENTITY (100, 10), "
SQL = SQL & _
"CFrstNm VARCHAR(10), CLstNm VARCHAR(15), CustomerLimit DOUBLE, "
SQL = SQL & "CHECK (CustomerLimit <= " & _
"(SELECT SUM (CreditLimit) FROM CreditLimit)));"
ADOConnection.Execute SQL
' Add a new record that does not violate the Customers
' check constraint.
SQL = "INSERT INTO Customers (CLstNm, CFrstNm, CustomerLimit) VALUES "
SQL = SQL & "('Smith', 'John', 100);"
ADOConnection.Execute SQL
' Try to add a second record that violates the Customers check
' constraint and results in an error.
SQL = "INSERT INTO Customers (CLstNm, CFrstNm, CustomerLimit) VALUES "
SQL = SQL & "('Jones', 'Bob', 200);"
ADOConnection.Execute SQL
Exit Sub
'Trap for File not found error.
If Err = 53 Then
Resume Next
End If
MsgBox Error & " Error# " & Err
Resume Next
End Sub