This article was previously published under Q200529
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Table: tblHyperlinks ----------------------- Field Name: fldLink Data Type: Hyperlink
Sub ProcessHyperlinkTable(strTableName As String, _
strFieldName As String)
' Declare variables.
Dim DBS As DAO.Database
Dim RST As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strAddress As String
Dim strDisplayText As String
Dim strDirectoryPath As String
Dim varLink As Variant
' Set error trapping.
On Error GoTo Error_handler
' Assign the current database to the database variable.
Set DBS = CurrentDb
' Set the path to the existing directory
' where the shortcuts will be created.
' Note: the path should end with a backslash ("\").
strDirectoryPath = "c:\MyShortcuts\"
' Set the SQL string to return the field
' containing the hyperlinks from the
' table you have specified.
strSQL = "SELECT " & strFieldName _
& " FROM " & strTableName
' Open the Recordset.
Set RST = DBS.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' Move to the first record.
' Loop until reaching the end of the table.
Do Until RST.EOF
' Check to see if the HomePage field contains a link.
If Not IsNull(RST!fldLink) Then
' Set varLink equal to the current Hypertext link field.
varLink = RST!fldLink
' Pull the Address from varLink.
strAddress = HyperlinkPart(varLink, acAddress)
' Pull the display text, if any, from varLink.
strDisplayText = HyperlinkPart(varLink, acDisplayText)
' If there is no display text, set strDisplayText to
' be the same as the URL.
If strDisplayText = "" Then
' If strAddress starts with "Http://",
' or "Ftp://", leave that out of strDisplayText.
If Left(strAddress, 7) = "Http://" Or _
Left(strAddress, 6) = "Ftp://" Then
strDisplayText = Right(strAddress, _
Len(strAddress) _
- (InStr(1, strAddress, "/") + 1))
' Otherwise, simply set strDisplayText
' equal to strAddress.
strDisplayText = strAddress
End If
End If
' Pass the URL, the link name, and the directory path to
' the function.
Create_Hyperlink_Shortcut strAddress, strDisplayText, _
End If
' Move to the next record.
' Error handling section
' Exit the Procedure.
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume ProcessHyperlinkTable_Exit
End Sub
Function Create_Hyperlink_Shortcut(strAddress As String, _
LinkFileName As String, LinkFilePath As String)
' Declare output file variable.
Dim fileNum As Integer
' Declare counter variable.
Dim i As Integer
' Set error trapping.
On Error GoTo Error_handler
' Set fileNum to the next available file number.
fileNum = FreeFile
' Create the new shortcut file.
Open LinkFilePath & LinkFileName & ".url" For Output _
As #fileNum
Print #fileNum, "[InternetShortcut]"
Print #fileNum, "URL=" & strAddress
Close #fileNum
' Exit the function when done.
Exit Function
' Error handling section
' Trap for errors caused by a bad file name
' and prompt the user to correct it.
Select Case Err
' "Bad file name or number" error caused by
' invalid characters in file name.
Case 52
LinkFileName = InputBox("Cannot create file for " _
& strAddress & Chr(13) _
& "The Internet Shortcut Name shown below is invalid." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "It contains one or more of the following: " _
& "\ / : * ? " & """" & " < > |" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Please enter a valid Shortcut name.", _
"Invalid Shortcut Name", LinkFileName)
' "Path not found" error caused by slashes
' in the file name.
Case 76
LinkFileName = InputBox("Cannot create file for " _
& strAddress & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "The shortcut name shown below is invalid. " _
& "It may contain one or more slashes." _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Please remove any slashes from the Shortcut name.", _
"Path not found", LinkFileName)
' If it is any other error, exit the function
' without creating the shortcut file.
Case Else
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err & " while attempting to " _
& "create" & "shortcut for " & strAddress
Exit Function
End Select
' If the user entered a blank shortcut name in the error dialog,
' prompt for a correct one, allowing for three tries.
For i = 1 To 3
If Len(LinkFileName) = 0 Then
LinkFileName = InputBox("Cannot create file for " _
& strAddress & Chr(13) _
& "The Internet Shortcut Name is blank" _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Please enter a valid Shortcut name.", _
"Invalid Shortcut Name", LinkFileName)
End If
Next i
' If the user has still left the name blank, let the user know
' the shortcut will not be created and then exit the function.
If Len(LinkFileName) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("A shortcut will not be created for " _
& strAddress & ".")
Exit Function
End If
' Resume at the line that generated the error.
End Function
ProcessHyperLinkTable "tblHyperlinks", "fldLink"
Keywords: KB200529, kbprogramming, kbhowto